#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Time::Local "timelocal";
#use XML::Parser;
#use XML::Simple;
#use IO::Handle;
use Data::Dumper;
#use URI::Escape;
use lib "/opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4";
use JSON;
#require HTTP::Request;
require LWP::UserAgent;

my $host = '';

# Get my token
my $URL = $host . '/oauth2/token';
my %data = ('client_id' => 'my_client_id_from wink',
            'client_secret' => 'my_client_secret_from_wink',
            'username' => 'my_wink_account_email',
            'password' => 'my_wink_account_password',
            'grant_type' => 'password');

my $json = encode_json \%data;

my $h = HTTP::Headers->new(
    Content_Length      => length($json),
    Content_Type        => 'application/json'
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $r = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $URL, $h, $json);
my $response = $browser->request($r);
#die 'Error ' unless $response->is_success;

# $browser->default_header(content_type => "application/json");

#print $response;
#print $response->content_type;
#print $response->as_string;
#print $response->content;

# Parse the JSON response
$resp = decode_json $response->content;
#print Dumper($resp);
#print $resp->{access_token}, "\n";
#print $resp->{data}->{access_token}, "\n";

# Have my token, now get device list

$token = $resp->{access_token};
#$refresh = $resp->{refresh_token};

# Now create my new query with this access token
#$URL = $host . '/users/me/wink_devices';
$URL = $host . '/users/me/light_bulbs';
# my %data = ('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $resp->{access_token});
# my $json = encode_json \%data;
#print "Getting device list, query is\n";
# print $json;
#print "\n";

$h = HTTP::Headers->new(
    Content_Type        => 'application/json',
    Authorization => 'Bearer ' . $resp->{access_token}
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$r = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $URL, $h);
$response = $browser->request($r);

#print "\n", "List of all devices:\n";
#print "\n", $response->as_string;
$resp = decode_json $response->content;
#print Dumper($resp);

$count = $resp->{pagination}->{count};
#print "Count = ", $count;

my $i = 0;
for ($j = 0 ; $j <= $#ARGV ; $j++) {
    for ($i = 0 ; $i < $count ; $i++) {
        if ("$resp->{data}[$i]->{name}" eq "$ARGV[$j]") {
# Set "OFF" as 0 and "ON" as 1
            $state = 2;
            $val = uc $ARGV[$j+1];
            if ($val eq "OFF") {$state = 0;}
            if ($val eq "ON") {$state = 1;}
            if ($state == 2) {
                print "Must use 'ON' or 'OFF' specifically\n";
            $id = $resp->{data}[$i]->{light_bulb_id};
# Set the powered state

            $h = HTTP::Headers->new(
                Content_Type        => 'application/json',
                Authorization => 'Bearer ' . $token
            $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
            $URL = $host . '/light_bulbs/' . $id;
            %power = ('powered' => $state, 'brightness' => 1);
            %data2 = ('desired_state' => \%power);
            $json = encode_json \%data2;
            $r = HTTP::Request->new('PUT', $URL, $h, $json);
            $response = $browser->request($r);

system("/bin/echo -n $ARGV[$j] $ARGV[$j+1] \" : \"  >> /usr/local/etc/wink.log");
system("date >> /usr/local/etc/wink.log");

            goto next_arg;
        }                               # end "if"
    }                           # end "for $j"
}                               # end "for $i"
exit 0;

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